
This interview is with Josef and Lilli Fleischmann, owners of St. Josef’s Winery. In this interview, the couple talk about how they moved to the U.S. and later Oregon to plant grapes and finally establishing a winery. They both discuss the difficulties in figuring out their roles within the wine industry, as well as how they came up with the name for their winery. Josef talks about their winemaking/growing philosophy with much outside help and European influence. The couple shares the hope that their family continues their business. Lastly, both detail how far the industry has progressed since they first entered it, and the pride they both have for their establishment and what they have created. Both agree that the industry will continue to grow in the future.

This interview was conducted by Rich Schmidt at St. Josef’s Winery on November 9th, 2018.


This interview is with Carl and Tara McKnight, of St. Josef’s Winery and Pheasant Run. In this interview, the couple discuss the question “why wine,” as Tara was born into it, and Carl was married into it. They then discuss how they developed their roles at St. Josef’s Winery, and the challenges of having their own label. They also talk about the Cascade Foothills, as well as how they balance both Pheasant Run, and St. Josef’s Winery. They both offer advice to newcomers who are looking to enter the business, and speak about how grateful they are to be apart of the industry. Towards the end, the couple talk about the future of the Oregon Wine Industry, and what makes its wines so distinctive and their hopes for the future of their businesses.

This interview was conducted by Rich Schmidt at St. Josef’s Winery on January 22nd, 2019.

Interview photos

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